Health Screening
Procrastination seems always to be the biggest factor in getting our health checks. Undeniably, health is predominantly taken for granted until an illness takes control over our body that we deemed its importance. All too often, we take little notice of the symptoms and warning signs of an impending disease or condition that is prevalent in our body. Even in a healthy able person, early detection can help to control the condition of the illness, reduce complications and alleviate the pain in its progressive stages. Health screening, therefore, plays a pivotal role in living a longer, more sustainable and fulfilling life. Get yourself tested today.
Clearbridge Medical clinic has partnered with reputable accredited laboratories and imaging centers in Hong Kong to provide a convenient one-stop service for health screening and our panels include basic health check packages, pre-employment and domestic helper checks, pre-marital and pre-conception checks and sexual wellness screening panels.
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US FDA grants
breakthrough device designationCurrently, neither pharmacological nor
HKD: 3,500
Ex Tax: HKD: 3,500
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Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening is a test in which you are tested for diseases such as Chlamy..
HKD: 1,200
Ex Tax: HKD: 1,200
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The Basic Health Screening Test that we offer comprises a detailed medical history, comprehensive ph..
HKD: 1,480
Ex Tax: HKD: 1,480
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Variety of tests to detect cardiovascular disease. A routine blood test can show..
HKD: 2,888
Ex Tax: HKD: 2,888
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Cervical cancer screening is an essential part of a woman’s routine health Check. This is a way to d..
HKD: 1,180
Ex Tax: HKD: 1,180
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Pap Smears - Cervical Cancer ScreeningCervical cancer has been the 7th commonest cancer among female..
HKD: 400
Ex Tax: HKD: 400
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Color analyzes 30 genes including BRCA1 and BRCA2 to help Women and Men understand their risk for th..
HKD: 8,600
Ex Tax: HKD: 8,600
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Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening is a test in which you are tested for diseases such as Chlamy..
HKD: 5,000
Ex Tax: HKD: 5,000
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People with diabetes are usually asymptomatic. They can be only diagnosed by checking blood glucose ..
HKD: 680
Ex Tax: HKD: 680
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Infertility is a growing concern with a rising number of couples having difficulty becoming pregnant..
HKD: 3,330
Ex Tax: HKD: 3,330
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Talk through any women's health concerns relating to breast and gynaecological health. Focused ..
HKD: 2,700
Ex Tax: HKD: 2,700
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The Pre-conception test offers a complete medical history and physical exam a few months to a year b..
HKD: 3,580
Ex Tax: HKD: 3,580
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The Pre-conception test is akin to a preventive medicine as it offers a complete medical history and..
HKD: 3,580
Ex Tax: HKD: 3,580
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Infertility is a growing concern with a rising number of couples having difficulty becoming pre..
HKD: 3,330
Ex Tax: HKD: 3,330
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Due to health risks that may come with age. This health screening package screens for the risk facto..
HKD: 2,700
Ex Tax: HKD: 2,700
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Detailed medical history and physical examination by a doctor, blood tests, explanation of results b..
HKD: 2,380
Ex Tax: HKD: 2,380
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Infertility is a growing concern with a rising number of couples having difficulty becoming pre..
HKD: 2,470
Ex Tax: HKD: 2,470
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The Pre-marital test is similar to the routine health-screening with additional tests to d..
HKD: 1,580
Ex Tax: HKD: 1,580
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Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening is a test in which you are tested for diseases such as Chlamy..
HKD: 4,200
Ex Tax: HKD: 4,200
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Why need this test?Most of the time, STDs do not carry any symptoms, and testing is the only viable ..
HKD: 2,200
Ex Tax: HKD: 2,200
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Showing 1 to 20 of 35 (2 Pages)