Infertility is a growing concern with a rising number of couples having difficulty becoming pregnant. In the absence of a physical cause, many cases of female infertility may be explained by something as simple as a hormone imbalance. These imbalances can be assessed with the Fertility Profile and can often be corrected with simple lifestyle changes or hormone restoration therapy.
The Fertility Profile offers simple, cost-effective testing to identify treatable hormonal imbalances that affect fertility.
Who needs the test?
The Fertility Profile is geared toward women who have irregular cycles or fertility issues, who have been trying to get pregnant without success, or who would like to be proactive in their preconception planning by getting a baseline screening.
Women are urged to seek testing if they:
are under the age of 35 and have tried for 1 year to become pregnant
are over the age of 35 and have tried for 6 months to become pregnant
have had more than 1 miscarriage
have symptoms of infertility
Doctor Consultation
- Detailed Medical History
- Physical Examination
Lab Test
- Estradiol
- Progesterone
Female Fertility Hormone Profile
- Availability: In Stock
HKD: 3,330